Indigo Gaze Abstract Portrait Canvas Gallery Wrap




“Indigo Gaze” is a powerful abstract portrait that captures the essence of introspection and emotional depth. This canvas gallery wrap is a symphony of texture and contrast, with strokes of deep black intermingling with bursts of vivid blue, creating an almost palpable aura of intensity around the central figure. The artwork’s layered composition suggests a narrative hidden beneath the surface, inviting the viewer to delve into the psyche of the portrait’s subject. This piece is not just a visual spectacle but a tactile journey, with its rich textures begging to be explored up close. Perfect for the contemporary art lover who appreciates pieces that spark conversation and introspection, “Indigo Gaze” will command attention in any setting. Whether displayed in a minimalist modern space or a cozy, eclectic room, this canvas gallery wrap promises to be a mesmerizing focal point, adding an air of mystery and sophistication to your collection. .

.: Made with 100% cotton fabric, the perfect medium for printing highly-detailed and vibrant artwork.
.: Each canvas features 0.0135 inch (13.5 mil) thick fabric that weighs 400gsm making it a highly durable option for great prints that look gorgeous on the long run.
.: The closed MDF backing adds an extra layer of protection to all your prints.
.: NB! For indoor use only

  10″ x 8″ 14″ x 11″ 24″ x 16″ 36″ x 24″ 40″ x 30″ 48″ x 32″
Width, in 10.00 14.00 24.00 36.00 40.00 48.00
Height, in 8.00 11.00 16.00 24.00 30.00 32.00
Depth, in 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25


Additional information

Weight N/A

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